Wednesday 12 June 2013

Wuthering Delights: Part 1

As of late I am obsessed with Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. I cannot seem to consume enough of its story to satiate myself. It started with a boring Netflix afternoon when I stumbled upon a version in which Tom Hardy plays our anti hero Heathcliff. Now, from what I gather this is not the favored version, but none the less it sparked my current craze. In particular, there is a song in this version that re-occurs at many different points that I can't stop listening too. Also, I am about half way through reading the novel and I cannot put it down! Where to begin with Wuthering Heights?
The plot is fairly straight forward. Heathcliff loves Catharine, Catharine loves Heathcliff, Cathrine marries Edgar, Heathcliff takes off, tragedy ensues. BUT, and I do mean a large but, this is where the shit hits the fan. Heartbroken and hell bent, Heathcliff comes back and begins wreaking a shit storm unto everyone who has crossed him, effectively ruining lives and even going as far as to destroy the next generation of his now extendedish family. BUT (again, yes) you still somehow empathize with him and just pray during the entire thing that everyone comes to their senses and Catharine can just be with Heathcliff even though he is terrible and he's like a brother, but I swear not in a freaky way, and she is all confusing and conflicting, and then you end up sitting there friggin crying over the whole things at the end! PHEW!  ugh and then you continue to watch it/ read it/watch another version/listen to soundtrack  cry some more and think of Catharine and Heathcliff. (Does my p.m.s-y-ness come out in this post?) So here it is. The song that I finally found on youtube that made me cry like a friggin kid who dropped their ice cream cone....."I Found Peace" - 2009 Wuthering Heights soundtrack
BUUUUT.....I now have this song set as my morning wake up alarm, as after one of my repeat screenings of the film, it made me smile. Something that used to make me sad doesn't make me so sad anymore. In fact it does the opposite. I guess I found peace. In the end that's all that Heathcliff wanted too. That's all anybody really wants.

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